Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pop Journal: Dark Legacy of Shanarra: Wards of Faerie

Dark Legacy of Shanarra: Wards of Faerie (2012 / Book)

Terry Brooks takes me once again into the world of Shannarra with the first proper sequel in years. Here we are treated to many of the same themes that Brooks has evoked before, but I loved every minute of the read. There is something about this world that I love and the way Brooks brings these characters to life is wonderful. In everyone of his novels he handles love in a new way, here dealing with the loss felt by the main character of Khyber the real focus. We are also treated to a young rivalry from the young Ohmsford twins for the hand of a close friend. This is the first in a planned trilogy of books and it sets up the other 2 novels very nicely. I can't wait to see where the adventure takes me.