Friday, September 26, 2014

This Week In Trailers

This Week In Trailers
by Tyler Adams

Woot! I'm back from a lackluster week off, and I'm psyched about all the trailers coming out. Also this week we get a great looking Denzel flick, as well as a film about trolls and boxes.

I'll say it again below, but there is not a green light big enough for Big Hero 6. Will this movie officially send Disney Animation past PIXAR? Also: If that happens, will we have to start capitalizing Disney Animation?

Friday, September 12, 2014

This Week In Trailers

This Week In Trailers
by Tyler Adams

Welcome to the most new releases coming out in a long time. You've got a family movie about dolphins, a gritty crime drama and a home invasion movie... What more could you ask for!

This week also sees the release of a lot of Oscar bait. Chief among them is The Homesman, which simply looks amazing. Not so great looking is Serena, as I just can't get behind anything with Jennifer Lawrence. Does that make me a bad person? If you think it does, let me know in the comments.

Friday, September 5, 2014

This Week In Trailers

This Week In Trailers
by Tyler Adams

It's the first week of the Fall Movie Season! Well... that also means that there are absolutely no new movies coming out. Which isn't to say there is nothing to see, as Guardians of the Galaxy is still here for us.

This week I'm also introducing a "Throwback" trailer to the list. I'll take a movie that opened the same weekend from any number years ago to highlight how great (or mediocre in this weeks case) a film was.