Snow White & The Huntsman (Movie / 2012)
Well, there was a good movie buried somewhere under all of that. First thing that I have to say about this movie is that it was dark, very dark. You may say it was so dark that it looked as if it was trying to be very dark. It felt like this was a retelling that was trying to distance itself from the Disney film of 345 years ago (or something close to that). Why? I don't know. Some will say it was trying to be more epic to appeal to the "Tolkien" crowd that has been weened on big scale action, but even those had some lighter moments to bring some levity to the proceedings.
The acting ranged from passable (Kristen Stuart) to great (Charlize Theron) with Chris Hemsworth just kinda being there. The Seven Dwarfs were great and should have been brought into the picture much earlier than half way through. They at least added some character to the dark performances around them.
On a final note I want to mention the directors love affair for "cool" looking liquid effects. Yeah, we get it, the film looks distinct and different. This film falls into that territory of being a remake trying to please an audience by being radically different than what you've seen before, missing the fact that the story has enough traction on it's own merits that it has endured this long without any major change to the formula.
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