Friday, April 12, 2013

Pop Journal: Rise of the Guardians

Rise of the Guardians (Movie / 2012)

Okay, I really enjoyed this movie but take issues with some choices that may alienate other people and take away from what should be a great franchise.

It's sad when things that really set apart a film are the same things that may turn people away, and here it is simply the art direction of the film. It has such a distinct feel to it, that it doesn't really look like anything out there. Nothing about the "Guardians" are necessarily... well I can't think of anything to describe it as except for UN-Disney like. You take well known characters, namely Santa, and turn him into a buff dual sword wielding Russian. In addition the tooth fairy comes across as, well a little off putting.

Don't let this deter you from the film (He yells to an empty webpage)! There are so many endearing ideas here, they may not be new ideas but they are well executed. This movie also gave me the first well thought out purpose for a Tooth Fairy. The little elves come across as nothing more that a rip off of the minions from Despicable Me, but they still provide some nice laughs.

Final Word: I don't think this movie made enough for a sequel, which is a shame as it would be a welcome deterrent from Dreamworks recent push of mediocrity.

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