Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tyler's Take: Emmy's Nom Nom on Parks and Rec

With the recent announcement of the Emmy noms I really wanted to put my thoughts down on paper. There are so many different things that I could talk about: Netflix making serious runs; Downton Abbey's growing power; FOX only getting 5 noms. None of these things compare to the colossal mistake of not giving Parks and Recreation more love.

I will not take the argument  to five of the nominees, instead choosing to stay in the family and take notice with 30 Rock. Really!? Really? You're trying to tell me that 30 Rock limping to the finish line somehow beats out a fantastic comedy that is only getting better every year? I watched every episode of both shows and there is absolutely no way that Parks wouldn't beat 30 Rock head to head 90% of the time.

Pop Journal: Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim (MOVIE / 2013)

This is a movie that is all about execution. Not the killing kind, but the kind of execution that will make something that you've already seen before seem like new. This movie hits all of the beats that you would expect a summer tentpole feature to hit, and yet I was enjoying myself the entire time.

Pacific Rim is the latest in a line of Guillermo Del Toro films that show he has a better understanding of what his audience wants than any other director. There is absolutely not one ounce of self importance in this movie, it is meant to be a work of enjoyment.