Thursday, January 31, 2013

30 Rock: Season 7

30 Rock: Season 7 (TV / 2012)

So, it has all come down to this, and how will I remember 30 Rock? I will remember one of the funniest comedies that has aired on television that was taken down by the ever growing focus of Jenna. Really, did it all come crumbling down and become hard to watch at times? No, it's nowhere close to the absurd difficulties "HIMYM" has given me, but it definitely faltered.

Looking at this season on it's own merits there were a lot of brave choices with mid season wedding and adoption taking front stage.
It was as if Tina Fey wanted to avoid shoving all the tie ups into the finale and astutely spread the love over the season. Also Jack stayed solid throughout, with Baldwin and Fey showing that they truly carried this show.

But it is in the hands of the supporting cast the show careened out of control. Kenneth is one of the greatest characters, but they spent the entire season with him all over the place just so when he ended up President of NBC (as alluded to in season 1) it was more of a surprise. Although it was awesome when he got the job, the run up to it lacked any real direction.

Then there is Jenna. There has never been a subplot involving her that did anything to the show that a monkey in a diaper couldn't have done. And yet more and more time was given to her. I'm reminded of my favorite episode of all time, MILF Island, and she was not even in the episode and I didn't notice until after viewing it for the 50th time.

Did I learn anything from the show? Yes. If you make a show about a show don't forget that you are a show about a show. But it was funny, damn funny.

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