Sunday, October 20, 2013


Another great week of television is in the books, and the votes have been tallied. I've expanded my list to include my top ten shows of the week from the 18 I am currently following. Believe it or not, I'm doing this as part of my Pathway Program, using my time to pursue a vocation I am interested in. I figured I like TV and judging things, so here I am. If you enjoy TV, I'd encourage you to sign up for a free account at, it's a great way of keeping track of your favorite shows.

#10: (NA) The Blacklist: The Stewmaker
#9: (-) Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Eye Spy
#8: (NA) Elementary: Poison Pen
#7: (NA) The Good Wife: A Precious Commodity
#6: (-) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: The Gang Gets Quarantined

Sleepy Hollow: John Doe
#5: (NA) Sleepy Hollow continues to impress in it's freshman season. This show really understands how to make a good genre show, as many in the past have flamed out after a couple of episodes (I'm looking at you "Revolution"). We are treated again to a intriguing premise, while writers continue to lay out bread crumbs regarding the larger mystery. Also, I love anything that has to do with the lost colony of Roanoke.

Parks and Recreation: Gin It up!
#4: (-) Parks and Rec had a little bit of a misstep this week, but it was not cause for too much concern. The "Recall" story line is wearing a little thin, but the b-story involving Tom using "Bureaucratic Incompetence" to keep a girl in the office was brilliant. Here's hoping they wrap up the recall soon and move on to greener pastures.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Vulture
#3: (=) Nine-Nine treated us to another example of just how funny network TV can be. It is so rare for a comedy to find it's footing so early on, but there has not been an unfunny moment yet on any episode. This feels like Parks and Rec in Season Three, and we are only 5 episodes into the show.

The Walking Dead: 30 Days Without An Accident
#2: (NA) Wow. If Sons hadn't knocked it out of the park this week, Dead would have easily been number one. There is a brand new show runner, and right now the future of the show looks bright. We are finally treated to a "thriving" community, which makes the fallout all the more gut wrenching. Rick's journey with madness and the groups visit to a "Big Spot!" gave us both a surreal introspective moment and a pulse pounding action sequence. Yes, I know that being introduced to a couple of "Red Shirts" was a little much, but you have to have throwaway people. Also, one of the best cliffhangers the show has had yet.

Sons of Anarchy: Salvage
#1: (=) If Dead was so good, you know that Sons was simply amazing. With a season going full tilt downhill, it was nice for the MC to have a good day. I love this show when you're able to see SAMCRO doing something that is a little more light hearted, and tracking down the dirty cops was just what the doctor ordered. It was also great to see Bobby come back into the fold as we found out he was recruiting for Redwood the entire time. I also love that we are getting longer episodes, as we are treated to a lot more quiet character moments that make the show so dang good.


New Girl: Does anyone else want Jess to break up with Nick? Every week we are treated to just how messed up Nick is, and yet Jess is hanging around. Nick used to be my favorite character, but I find myself disliking him more and more because of their relationship.

How I Met Your Mother: Why does this show continue to add history to such a rich back catalog of stories? Why are we just now hearing about this wedding gift fiasco!?

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