Monday, October 28, 2013

TYLER'S TV TEN: October 27th

Here are my top ten television shows for the week of October 20-26.

#10: (+) New Girl; Keaton
#9: (=) Elementary; Ancient History
#8: (+) Marvel's Agents of SHIELD; The Girl in the Flower Dress
#7: (+) Saturday Night Live: Edward Norton
#6: (=) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia; Flowers for Charlie

#5: (+) How I Met Your Mother; Knight Vision: Yes, How I Met Your Mother cracked into my top ten this week. I think part of that may have to do with having a "Last Crusade" running joke, but really the episode was very good. I have to admit that I like the format of this season, it really works with the shows sense of humor. I think that we will see a comedy show in the future try and do something very similar.

#4: (-) The Walking Dead; Infected: This was a good follow up to a great season opener, but I fear it did little to amp up the tension. We see Rick dealing with his reluctance to fight, but we've only see him being a farmer for one episode so I really didn't follow his struggle. Then we have a mini breakout and a bunch of red shirts die, a girl is sad that her favorite zombie is re-dead and Carol is going a little "Tiger-Mother" crazy. I really think that this episode is a means to set up a more game changing next episode, with the end reveal that someone killed two infected people and burned the corpses. My money is on Carol, by the way.

#3: (-) Sons of Anarchy; Sweet and Vaded: There was really nothing wrong with this weeks episode, just a lot more right with others. We finally get a view into Tara's play, and I can't say that I am really enjoying the storyline. I know we are building toward Jax having a thriving MC only to have his family in complete disarray, I just didn't think this is the route the writers would have taken.

#2: (+) The Good Wife; Outside the Bubble: I would be hard pressed to say I like any "ancillary" character more than Elsbeth Tascioni (Carrie Preston). She shows up and I just smile the entire time she is on the show. As for the actual episode, I am completely riveted by the imminent departure of team Florick & Agos from Lockhart/Gardner. I thought it was odd for them to show tonight's big reveal, but it has made the episodes leading up to it so much better. My destination viewing for this coming week is easily tonight's Good Wife.

#1: (+) Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Halloween: Again, I am just in utter awe of how funny this show is. It is so hard to pull of "absurdist humor so easily, but the cast does magic with it. There is absolutely no way a police station would operate like this, yet you don't think about that at all while you watch. The heist was fantastic, all the way down to the Ocean's Eleven style reveal. I cannot say enough good things about this show.

So there you have it. Another week, another ten great television shows. As always, if you love TV I recommend signing up for a free account at Also, if there is a TV show that I am not watching that you think is worth a look, let me know in the comments section.

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