Here are my top ten television shows for the week of November 3-9.
I'm sorry for not posting last week, I was watching too much Doctor Who to get around to other viewing. Also of note is my pick up of "Trophy Wife" to my viewing schedule. So far it is incredibly funny, particularly if you love Bradley Whitford as much as I do. As always, let me know if there is a show you feel I should be watching.
#10: (-) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia; The Gang Squashes Their Beef (FINALE)
#9: (+) The Blacklist; Frederick Barnes
#8: (+) Supernatural; Dog Day Afternoon
#7: (-) How I Met Your Mother; The Lighthouse
#6: (+) Sleepy Hollow; Sin Eater
#5: (+) Elementary; The Marchioness: What makes Elementary work for me is the way we get to see Sherlock Holmes working typical "TV case of the week" with a flair and sense of grandiose other procedural's haven't matched since House. This week saw the return of Mycroft who brings a fun mystery with him, as well as fun revelations regarding his and Watson's dalliances.
#4: (-) Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Halloween: Another strong showing from Brooklyn in the form of a "Bottle" episode. For those unaware, a bottle episode involves the cast of a show being confined to one location for the majority of the show, typically with hilarious results. Here the format worked great as we see how all of the characters deal with sleep deprivation, topped off by my growing love of Terry Crew's "Terry" working out in his sleep.
#3: (+) The Walking Dead; Indifference: When I look back on all of the episodes of "Dead" that I have watched, the supply run episodes are the best and this makes my point. Following both Rick and Carol's foray as well as Daryl's vet hospital run, we are treated to two very suspenseful sequences. While the Hospital was good, Rick and Carol was where the story was at it's strongest. When they met two survivors who had survived together so long, only to see one get taken out almost immediately was almost heartbreaking. The show made me feel invested in these two red shirts in record time, and the reveal of the girl's severed leg was chilling. Following the events with Rick showing Carol the door cemented this as a fine episode.
#2: (+) Sons of Anarchy; John 8:32: For an episode that can only be considered "filler", it was stunning. The reveal of Tara's treachery to Jax was riveting, and the closing shot of Tara singing a lullaby to Thomas only to pan down revealing a loaded revolver was Anarchy at it's best.
#1: (+) The Good Wife; The Next Day: Okay, last week I did not post a "TV TEN" due to the fact I was watching so much Doctor Who. If I did post it, I would have praised last weeks episode of The Good Wife as one of the best episodes of television I had ever seen. As it stands, this follow up episode was fantastic and did a great job of keeping the tension incredibly high. As ratings erode for The Good Wife, I can only hope that they rebound once football is done as this is the best drama on network television.
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