House; Season 8 (TV / 2011)
This should be the way every show ends.
At the beginning of the year I was bummed that Cuddy was no longer in the show and that Foreman had taken her position in an incredibly nonsensical stretch for the show. With Cuddy no longer in the picture it gave the House and Wilson's friendship the spotlight, and I wonder why Cuddy was in the show to begin with. Hugh and Robert were amazing, particularly towards the end of the run, and the cancer story line at the end paid off in spades during the series finale.
Seriously, those two were so good that I cared little that the rest of the cast was relegated to brief mentions in the finale. We did get treated to some fun "After House" moments for the cast, and I am truly bummed that we won't get to see more Park continuing on as she was a fun counter to House. This is an ending that makes you forget about a lot of the highs and lows and leaves you with some hope that House has turned the corner on that whole "incredibly bitter and miserable" thing.
I felt that last years finale would have served the show well with House worry free strolling on a far away beach, but having House and Wilson ride off into the sunset was a lot more gratifying. It saddens me to see this show go as it was one of my last "destination" views for the last couple of years, but I will look back on it without any qualms with how the ending was handled.
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