Saturday Night Live; Season 37 (TV / 2011)
SNL just finished its 37th season on TV, one that may be forgotten about with the upcoming season corresponding with the Presidential election. Add to that many of the cast members are leaving, (Kristen Wiig and Andy Sandberg are all but confirmed to go) this could well mark another end of an era for the perennial late night show.
What worked this year? Many new cast members carved out a niche (Pharaoh, Killam and Pedrad) while stalwarts like Hader, Sudekis and Wiig continued performing well. Stand out sketches this year would go to Fox & Friends, Secret Word and Stefon. Oh, Stefon... Hader and Meyers are easily at the top of the SNL food pyramid delivering amazing segments. Speaking of Meyers, he continues to carve his way to the top of the "Best Weekend Update Host" pile.
What didn't work? Fred Armisen, Kenan Thompson, and (I hate to say it) the SNL Digital Shorts. A couple of thought on Armisen: He has to go. He does amazing work on Portlandia, a show much more suited to his talents. This last season was a mess for him, as well as Thompson who continues to get repeat characters for no apparent reason. The Digital Shorts? I don't know, but they seem to be sloppy and all over the place. The last Digital Short "Lazy Sunday 2" sums it all up: It's all been done.
One final word on Wiig. She has obviously been a standout performer over the last 7 years, but to be honest I will not miss her that much. She was best served as an addition to a sketch, never as the focus. She is so talented, with the Judy Grimes segment really showing off her comedic chops, but I feel the writing never met up with her talents. That said, she and Sandberg will leave a pretty big hole in the lineup, one that I can see a couple of upstarts (Killam and Pedrad in particular) taking advantage of next year.
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